Corporate Social Responsibility
The Horbury Group operates to stringent policies across its Group Companies to provide service excellence and ensure the highest levels of safety, environmental consideration, investment in staff welfare and supplier continuity are adopted – the benefits of which are passed directly to our clients.
Horbury recognises that sustainability is a fundamental consideration that needs to influence our approach in many aspects of our business. These aspects and our standards and aims are set out in our Sustainability Policy.
Health and Safety
It is Horbury's policy to do all that is practicable to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all our workers and people that may be affected by our work and to comply with all relevant legislation and approved codes of practice.
Horbury recognises that environmental management is one of its most important priorities and a key issue in the global move towards sustainability. Our aim is to maintain policies, programmes and practices for conducting operations in an environmentally sustainable manner.
It is Horbury's policy to provide clients with a high-quality service that exceeds expectations and ensures high levels of customer satisfaction. To ensure all clients receive the required quality of products and services we have developed an Integrated Management System that is independently certified to meet the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001 :2015 and our legal and other corporate responsibilities.
Slavery and Human Trafficking
This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Horbury Group's slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 31 May 2023. Horbury supports the principles and aims of the Modern Slavery Act, has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking and expects all its supply chain to share these values.
Privacy and Personal Data Protection
The purpose of this policy is to set out the relevant legislation and to describe the steps that Horbury is taking to ensure that it and all employees are compliant. This control applies to all systems, people and processes that constitute Horbury’s information systems, including board members, directors, employees, suppliers and other third parties who have access to Horbury systems.
Net Zero Carbon Policy
Horbury acknowledges the grave consequences of carbon emissions in terms of climate change events, long term and forecast climate trends and the societal and economic impacts that have and will continue to result. Also, that the construction sector (new construction activity and the built environment) is the largest contributor to energy related greenhouse gas emissions. Our overall aim, and responsibility, is to drive down our carbon footprint and thus play our part in the sector's overall target to achieve net zero by 2050.
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